EST 1935


Power to your business decisions

EU Design Registration

1 500  (VAT 0%)

Price consists of a service charge: 1150 € and an agency fee 350 €.

When documents are received in ready-to-file format the price is 1090,00 € including filing + official fee (VAT 0%)

In an EU design registration (Registered Community Design, RCD), the design of a product is presented in the form of a picture or pictures. The pictures define the features of the design which are protected. The features may be in the form of shapes, patterns, and colours. A design registration can be used to protect the product’s whole design or a portion or portions of the design.

With an EU design registration you can protect your product in all EU countries. By sending us ready-to-file documents it’s possible to get your design registered quickly. If you need further assistance with registering your design, please contact us for consultation.

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Jorma Leitzinger
+358 400 437 811

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Jorma Leitzinger
+358 400 437 811

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Jorma Leitzinger

  • CEO
  • Partner
  • Member of the board
  • IoD