1 500 € (VAT 0%)
When documents are received in ready-to-file format the price is 1090,00 € including filing + official fee (VAT 0%)
In an EU design registration (Registered Community Design, RCD), the design of a product is presented in the form of a picture or pictures. The pictures define the features of the design which are protected. The features may be in the form of shapes, patterns, and colours. A design registration can be used to protect the product’s whole design or a portion or portions of the design.
With an EU design registration you can protect your product in all EU countries. By sending us ready-to-file documents it’s possible to get your design registered quickly. If you need further assistance with registering your design, please contact us for consultation.
Protect your company from potential patent disputes
We provide a full-service validation process for European patents in Finland and Sweden.
For filing and prosecution of european patent applications
Leitzinger Oy
c/o Spaces
Mannerheiminaukio 1 A
00100 Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +358 9 685 99 20
VAT Number FI01107678
Jorma Leitzinger
+358 400 437 811
Jorma Leitzinger
+358 400 437 811